this is an autobattler roguelike inspired by UNICORN OVERLORD

real devil summoners play in fullscreen

web version will freeze momentarily during the first attack, play desktop version for better performance

build a team of demons and summon the right party to defeat your enemies

each demon has an unique set of skills that determine their behavior in battle, so carefully consider their positioning as to not waste their talents, or worse.....

if your team sucks you can fuse your demons to make stronger ones, but even weak demons will shine with proper tactics

enemies grow stronger as the FULL MOON approaches, and something awaits beyond that.....

this is a successor to Yu-Gi-Oh 2, a game I invented around 8 months ago (I also planned on including Shin Megami Tensei stuff to that game, but ended up cutting it)

soon after releasing Yu-Gi-Oh 2 I played UNICORN OVERLORD, which I really really loved. Playing it cleared up a "design space" in my mind that previously was very nebulous. The battle system in this game is very similar to UNICORN OVERLORD, but I'll tone down the plagiarism in my next projects

in this game, the "front row/back row" mechanics, enemy targeting, battle resources and skills are all informed by UNICORN OVERLORD. There are  a lot of differences though -- for instance, I've switched the "unit type affinity" (infantry, cavalry, armored etc), with elemental affinities, and there is no "gambit" system to customize unit behavior (in Shin Fangame Tensei, there are skills that change the units behavior instead)

just like with Yu-Gi-Oh 2, I intended on developing this game in a single month (july 2024), however I got stunlocked by chain disasters in real life, so my shit got delayed

compared to Yu-Gi-Oh 2, I feel like Shin Fangame Tensei is a better game -- in terms of presentation, codebase and being fun to play (LOL). So I'm very happy with my personal development as a hobbyist game developer

these fangames are practice for an original game I've been wanting to develop for years, but feel like I'm not skilled enough to birth it just yet (and also I really enjoy making fangames lol)

there is still one more fangame I want to make -- to build upon this one and test out some ideas. It will be out sometime next year

and yes there are pokemon and yugioh and some other shit in there too I can't help it, I'm a crossover hoe

to the person reading this right now, I'm talking only and personally to you, I love you, and please don't forget: press "U" in title screen to unlock everything

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
GenreStrategy, Card Game, Role Playing
Made withAseprite, Godot
TagsDeck Building, Godot, pokemon, Roguelike, shin-megami-tensei, smt, yu-gi-oh, yugioh
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Joystick


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(1 edit)

Really sick game, enjoyed it a lot, I had 1 really weird interaction on the Lucifer fight where first Astaroth attacked, then Lucifer, then Alice used her special ability that killed him and started the transformation but during it, Astaroth attacked him again (for some reason), and after the attack the game waited until Lucifer switched his form fully and the fight was over (no idea why) with Lucifer winning because he regained all of his hp lol. Still won when i switched Alice though so that's good.


thank you!! and also I'm sorry about lucifer, he is known to act out... (the way I coded effects triggering really doesnt like the tranformation effect, I ran into soooo many bugs implementing that, and it seems you discovered a new one ;__; sorry)

hi! im playing on pc. just wanted to let you know that i tried to get to the option menu on the title screen but its not working it seems. i wanted to put the game screen on window mode but its not working got any tip? :< also does the game also work on mobile ? :o (ngl it could look like a mobile game :D)

hey!! the option menu doesnt work because I didn't make it, sorry!! to play on widowed mode you can press alt+enter and resize the window to your liking

also yeah I thought about making a mobile version, I might look into it in the future (it probably will be a hackjob if it ever happens though because I don't know anything about it + hate phones like david lynch, rip)

oh i see. tried to beat the final boss with pokemans but dint work :<

seems alt+enter dont work :<


Dark magician girl my beloved

(2 edits)

get in line buddy....... I'm just kidding she's not even that hot anyways


Hello Devil Summoners! After countless hours, I finally think I've found an answer to defeating Lucifer! And with all my experience, I learned 4 fundamental points for this Boss.

1st point: You need a healer on your team. With a Boss as strong as this, it is not possible to defeat it without a descendant healer, especially with the Boss having 2 phases and 40 HP in total. 

2nd point: use Thanatos as your DPS. In addition to being the most accessible, he is the strongest demon for isolated enemies, because of his hunting ability, and also because he has a base power of 9 points.

3rd point: Use Demeter as your healer. Of all the healers I saw, she is the most appropriate, mainly due to her ability to give 3 attack points to the ally, and recover all the health of the ally with less health. 

4th point: the last kagutsuchi point... This is the point where I'm still experimenting, with those two demons in the party there's still 1 point left to spend, and as one more ally is never too much, I have two options to present to you <3

1st option, defensive: I would recommend Legion, defending Thanatos and attacking Lucifer when he dies. This was the party that brought me the closest to matching my life with his, but there was only one problem that made me lose, the amount of Thanatos' action points (the red squares) for an extra attack I couldn't defeat. it. So the strategy was simple, save that last point. 

2nd option, offensive: Rakshasa, even though he is weak (1 life point) he is my main bet in this challenge, mainly because of two skills (Reaper and Double hit), according to my calculations (and if Lucifer doesn't stick a Morning Star in my face and not even attack before Rakshasa) Lucifer would have 3 life points when Rakshasa finished his second attack, leaving me with a question, Jab_Lao, how does the Reaper skill work? I think that even without this party, this skill will be of great help to the challenge. Fun fact: I'm not sure yet, but I think that if you only have one demon in front, Lucifer doesn't activate the Morning Star. 

And that's it guys, I think I spent more than 24 hours in total playing this game, just so you can see how committed I am to solving this mystery, so I'm going back to my cave and wait for answers. And if he's invincible I'll be extremely angry lol.


hey!! first of all I'm really really really really really really happy that you played the game so much and seemed top have like it despite the frustration lol

also lucifer is not unbeatable I swear <//3, after reading your comment I went back and playstested him against a bunch of endgame teams and yes, I think he was a bit overtuned -- I adjusted the fight a bit without nerfing him too much, I still want it to be hard

heres some teams that win against him after the adjustments

thank you for your feedback, the game is a lot better because of it, ily friend
(1 edit) (+1)

Bruh, first trybut I have to agree that it was much more balanced, I liked the changes and I loved rubbing his face on the floor lol. Thank you so much for making this amazing fangame and happy new year to everyone <3

And it would be cool if there was something new to encourage replayability, like adding new demons to recruit and battle each time you defeat Lucifer, because if it did I would definitely play it!

(1 edit)

I also found other bugs: The one in the image shows when I was fighting Yamata no Orochi and when Legion went to protect Blue Eyes, he died, but even so, Orochi activated the ability to attack 4 more times, making him wanting to attack, but he had no way of attacking anyone else, stopping the game.

And also a bug that I don't know why it happened, when I was pressing the z/x button to make battles faster, the game simply crashed and closed.


hey, you're right! it was an issue with the "blow up" skill (which already caused a bunch of issues to begin with), thank you so much for reporting, you helped me a lot!!! I'll be uploading a fixed version shortly

was this originally gonna be a pinball game ?


... yes

I have a question and a bug report:

Firstly, is there a way to save the game? because when I close it, it doesn't save.

And while I was playing, there was a battle where there were no demons to fight, and when I went to pick up my cell phone to show it to you, the game just closed.


hey, thanks for the report, I'll look into it!! <3

this game doesnt save any data, if you want to use the other teams press "u" in the title screen! (before the starter select screen)





I could really feel the upgrade from the yugioh 2, not only is this game way more fun, but it flows so much better (it's also way more addicting)

thank you, please look forward to my next release, YUGIOH 3D


first thing first: congrats on the release!!
the game is hella fun (spent like almost 2h in and dont even noticed lol) and its somewhat challenging too (or im just bad)
being a roguelike makes it the icing on the cake for sure

when I was a kid I got into an accident and my brain became rogueliked, so now everything I make accidentally gets rogueliked -- this was supposed to be a low poly first person horror game, please help me


I'm trying to comment something that doesn't suck ass but I can't cause I can't stop playing.

Ps: looking foward to Fortnite Demons

you need to





Rend, Slaughter, Devour your enemies. There is no other way to win this game.

this is becuase this game is REAL LYFE....


where is mario and luigi?

press "u" in the title screen, luigi is currently in jail though sorry